Welcome to the Build to Last e-newsletter
News, ideas, trends and tools for what’s ahead
No matter what business you’re in, there is no greater capital expenditure than new construction or a major renovation to an existing building. Whether your focus is healthcare, higher education, civic infrastructure or commercial buildings, the general preparation and investment planning is a process that takes time and experience. Our new Build to Last e-newsletter is designed to arm you with the information you need to plan smarter today for the years ahead. What are the trends? Who’s building or renovating in our area? Why? And how are they doing it to maximize their results while staying on a budget?
Our goal at Welty is always to deliver the most extraordinary building experience for our customers – an experience that’s built around doing what is right. The Build to Last e-newsletter is an important component in this commitment. It’s at the heart of what we provide our business partners every day: extraordinary knowledge. We invite you to learn more about the tools, trends and talent at Welty and the difference we are making for our clients for all major design and construction components. Then tell us what you think. Contact us with your ideas or feedback at: [email protected].
Integrated Lean Project Delivery™ (ILPD) approach nets millions of dollars in cost reduction and anticipated early project completion
Akron Children’s Hospital:
Ambulatory Care Center and Critical Care Tower
Project Fast Facts:
- $180 million expansion
- Six-story, 365,000 square foot tower
- 253 bed pediatric medical center
- Emergency department treats 59,000-61,000 patients annually
- Primary care campus visits exceed 300,000 and sub-specialty visits exceed 230,000 annually
In 2013, Akron Children’s Hospital (ACH) launched a $180 million expansion to bring new and enhanced services to the region – and partnered with the Welty/Boldt Joint Venture for management and construction of the project. The six-story, 365,000 square foot tower, adjacent to its downtown campus on the corner of Locust and Exchange streets, utilized the Integrated Lean Project Delivery™ (ILPD) method of design and construction, which was trademarked by the Boldt Company – and the bottom-line results are already being felt.
A critical component of the ILPD method is to take the time upfront to on-board all major design and construction components. “The emphasis with ILPD is on mutual respect and open, honest collaboration between all parties,” explains Paul Becks, Welty-Boldt Project Manager. “Without this dynamic, we cannot ensure that all improvement ideas are brought to the table.” For this project, that included Civil, MEP/F and Structural engineers as well as excavation, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, fire protection, drywall and structural concrete trade partners. ACH in-house engineering and maintenance directors were also involved.
“Pulling together a team like this – one that’s often geographically dispersed across the country – for face-to-face meetings is not without it’s challenges, but it was imperative to assure questions were answered quickly, issues were addressed by everyone and planning was efficient. We’ve shown that it’s worth it,” explains Patrick Oaks, Welty-Boldt Project Executive. In fact, the results were felt immediately. Collectively the team was able to determine that by utilizing the natural fall of the site and slightly expanding the lower level to accept mechanical systems, we could save several hundred thousand dollars as well as free up 20,000 square feet of floor plate that the owner can now incorporate into future service lines. This was accomplished in a matter of days due to the efficiency of co-located team members. “This is one of several examples of how the skills and insight of everyone on the team can bring cost benefits and value to the owner,” says Patrick.
Thus far the project is $27M under initial cost models, with project contingencies 100 percent intact. Construction is also tracking 60 days ahead of schedule – despite significant weather obstacles.
“ILPD not only eliminates waste, it produces a more predictable outcome and the greatest potential to correct the major problems of the traditional, outdated approaches,” explains Paul. “Lean construction is not a defined process but a set of principles focused on continuous improvement that enhances project performance and ultimately, owner satisfaction.”
What is ILPD?
The Integrated Lean Project Delivery™ (ILPD) method – sometimes referred to as Lean Design & Construction – is a production management-based approach to project delivery. It’s a new way to design and build capital facilities where more time is spent in the planning and design stages of a project so more efficiencies can be maximized during construction.The bottom line: the process helps save time and money.
Team Members:
Owner: Akron Children’s Hospital
Program Manager: CBRE Healthcare
Construction Manager: Welty-Boldt
Architects: HKS/ Hasenstab
Civil Engineer: Environmental Design Group
Structural Engineer: Thorson-Baker
M.E.P. Engineer: CCRD/Bandwen, Williams & Kindbom
Structural Concrete Trade Partner: Baker Concrete
Mechanical Trade Partner: MMC Contractors
Electrical Trade Partner: Parsons Electric/Didado Electric
MS/DW Trade Partner: KHS&S/Acoustical Ceiling & Partition
Fire Protection Trade Partner: Grunau Company
Flooring Trade Partner: Messina Floor Covering
Painting Trade Partner Yerman & Young
What’s New?
New Welty inSITE Advisory Group helps companies leverage more corporate or community dollars to get projects off of the ground faster and more cost-effectively.
In May Welty announced the formation of the inSITE Advisory Group, a consulting services affiliate dedicated to assisting clients with a multi-faceted approach to economic development, to benefit both private and public sectors. Jennifer Syx, Group President, will lead the development of strategic business relationships with cities, townships and villages to help them grow their tax base, create new jobs and assist in obtaining financing for new development projects. She’ll also serve as an advisor to corporate clients, developers and engineers by identifying and obtaining government incentives to help businesses expand within their community and elsewhere.
Where’s Welty? Current Projects:
The Wadsworth YMCA Outdoor Pool is open to the public
FirstEnergy Akron Control Center received LEED Silver Certification
City of Green names Welty as Construction Manager for their Central Park Project